Regional Club Introduction

Your first step will be to log in using your Regional Club account, not your personal account if you have one as well. If you do not know your login, you can use the Forgot Username/Password utility of the website to recover either or both. Typically, the email used for the club is that of the club's corresponding secretary or a forwarder to that email. You can verify the club email in use under the Find a Club page.

Once you are logged in as your club, at the top of the right column, you'll notice the "Regional Club Member" box. As an AHCA regional club member, you have the ability to change your club's profile on the site and upload premium lists for hosting.

  • Club Profile
    • By hovering over "Edit" on the top of your club's profile, you can edit and update the contact details, profile picture and exposure on the website.
    • Clicking "Update your Profile" brings you to the "Edit Your Details" page. On the various tabs:
      • Portrait - Add, Update or Remove a photo.
      • Contact Info- You can update your club's contact information here. It is recommended you use the club's corresponding secretary for all of the contact information. It is not advisable to remove contact information, but you can set the visibility on several fields.:
        • "Only to logged-in users" = Members only visibility
        • "Visible on profile" = Publicly visible.
      • Additional - List your Officers, Board members, rescue contact information and anything else you'd like the world to know about your club. You can post specialty information here as well, but definitely make sure to have the administrator update the specialty calendar as well.
      • Listings- Not relevant to regional clubs.
      • Preferences - Update your club's password or change your club's website preferences.
  • Meeting Minutes
    • View the minutes from general and board meetings.
  • Premiums
    • View a list of all premiums uploaded by regional specialty clubs to the AHCA website. Once you've uploaded a premium list, you can copy the download link from here. Right-click on the big Download button and select "Copy Link Location" or "Copy Link Address." That's the url you can paste in emails and groups for other people to download.
  • Catalogs
    • View a list of all catalogs, marked or not, uploaded by regional specialty clubs to the AHCA website. Once you've uploaded a catalog, you can copy the download link from here. Right-click on the big Download button and select "Copy Link Location" or "Copy Link Address." That's the url you can paste in emails and groups for other people to download.
  • Upload Premium/Catalog
    • Upload your club's next specialty premium list, marked or unmarked catalog to the AHCA website. The premium or catalog is hosted for free and you can distribute the link anywhere you'd like.
  • Submit Results
    • Submit news or results about your upcoming or past regional specialty, upcoming lure trials or anything else related to regional clubs. You can use the WYSIWYG editor to craft your html update while will appear on the in the Regional Clubs section..

Specialty Calendar

The Specialty Calendar found on the site is a Google Calendar. It is maintained by the website administrator and updates must be done through email or phone. You can still upload a premium list above and email the link, or just email the premium itself for hosting if you don't already have it hosted somewhere.

If you have any other questions or comments, feel free to contact the web admin.