Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of the Afghan Hound Club of America. Before submitting a Membership Application, please read the AHCA Membership requirements carefully to be sure you qualify. Available for download below is an application packet. A cover letter explaining the application process is included. Once you have contacted your sponsors to let them know you will be submitting your application, please email me (the Membership Chair) their contact information. You may read all of the rules regarding membership in the Policies Procedures & Rules and searching for Document 150.
The Constitution and Bylaws, and Recommended Practices are also included for your review. If you have any questions regarding the process, please do not hesitate to contact me.
- Jennifer Taylor, Membership Chairperson
Membership Requirements
- Applicants must be at least 18 years of age.
- Membership is restricted to legal residents of the United States. Applicants who are not US citizens must provide proof of residency.
- Prospective members must apply on the Application for Membership Form approved by the board of directors. All questions must be answered, and the applicant must certify that he has read and subscribes to the constitution and by-laws and the recommended practices. Only applications received by the membership chairperson 30 days in advance of a board meeting will be eligible for first reading at that board meeting.
- Husband and wife applicants must each prepare an individual application for membership.
- A processing fee of $25 must accompany each application form. The fee is non-refundable.
- Two letters of sponsorship from AHCA members in good standing must be submitted for each applicant. The sponsorship letters are to be forwarded directly to the membership chairperson. No action will be taken on an application unless both sponsoring letters have been received.
- Letters of sponsorship must originate from separate households; that is, letters from a husband and wife or two persons residing in the same household do not constitute two letters of sponsorship for an applicant. However, a single sponsoring letter may apply to husband and wife applicants.
- At least one of the sponsors must have visited the applicant's home and have viewed the facilities provided for housing dogs. The acceptability and/or nature of such facilities must be referenced in the sponsorship letter. Sponsors should be more than passing acquaintances of the applicant - sponsorship should not be taken lightly. Members of the board of directors may sponsor applicants for membership. Only one sponsorship letter may originate from a member of the board of directors for an applicant.
- AHCA members may encourage persons they feel meet requirements to apply for membership and provide them with application forms.
Associate Membership
- No minimim participation requirement
- No voting rights
- Cannot hold office or board positions
- May participate in committees, but cannot chair
- Cannot sponsor new members
- Topknot News subscription included
1. Apply at 
Apply Now 2. Pay Application Fee
Regular Membership
- Requires an active participation in the breed for a minimum of seven consecutive years.
- Regular voting rights and office holding abilities
- May participate in and chair committees
- May sponsor applications for up to two (2) regular members and unlimited (∞) associate members annually
- Topknot News subscription