The Afghan Hound Club of America, Inc.
Proudly Presents
The 87th National Specialty Show
Sunday, October 13th 2024 - Thursday, October 17th 2024
Wilmington, OH
Roberts Centre

Dorma Sue Busby & Becky Morisette, Show Chairpersons
Committee Chairpersons
Premium Lists
Dining Reservations, Purchase Vendor Spaces, Buy Ad Space
Do this and more at the AHCA2024 Store
Art Auction Gallery

Online Payments & Donations
Please be sure to change/update quantities on the PayPal payment screen for multiple guests before authorizing payment.
Awards Banquet
$40/person c/o Barb Bornstein
Art Auction Dinner
c/o Barb Bornstein
Breeders Symposium
c/o Linda Jackson

Hotel Reservations
Holiday Inn Wilmington
123 Gano Rd.
Wilmington, OH 45177
Call: 937-283-3200
Press option # 3
NOTE: If you don’t press 3, you’ll get sent to central reservations and won’t be able to access the room block
The Block Name is Afghan Hound Club of America
Rate: $139.00/night - CODE: AHN
Reservations may be made until October 1, 2024 – or until the block is sold out.
Evening Event Reservations for the Breeders' Education Seminar Breakfast on Tuesday, Art Auction & Dinner on Wednesday and the Awards Banquet on Thursday can be made through the AHCA Store as soon as the final information is posted.
RV Reservations
Overnight RV parking will be available on the show grounds with Full Hook-ups at a rate of $50/night and dry camping at a rate of $35/night. Any and all RV parking must be pre-registered with the hotel using the below form. Please see all rules in the agreement below. Please note that we put a line on the form "special consideration" in hopes that anyone with handicap needs, want to be parked close to a friend, or have any addition request can be assisted. Every effort will be made to accommodate those arriving early on the 13th.
For online PDF fille & sign, please contact Kirsty Woods at:Trophy Donations
Any trophy donation of $50 or more will receive a free catalog
Catalog Advertisements
ADVERTISE in COLOR!!Tell our fancy about youngsters coming up; proud wins; oldsters who are slowing down; memorialize those that have left us; share the story of how you got started; or just say “hello!”
Best Deal!
➡️Paid 2 page ad $90.00⬅️
(+Free catalog=$20 value)
➡️paid 1 page ad, $50.00⬅️
Regional Clubs advertising upcoming specialty or other club news: $25.00 per Ad.
?FIRST come, FIRST serve: the cover will be in glossy color, the inside front cover is reserved for AHCA;
?$100 inside back cover!?
?$150 for outside back cover!?
(Free catalog not included)
Camera ready, jpg/pdf format.
Ad size 4.75” x 8” (½” border for binding and ¼” outside border).
Payment must be paid in full at The AHCA Store before submission!
Send those camera ready ads to:
Joy Atkins-Miller,
636-584-5656 (texts only plz)
before September 1, 2022!
Thank you for supporting our Afghan Hounds and our Afghan Hound Club of America...still going strong after all these years!
Need to update something on here? Contact: Eddie Kominek