Policies, Procedures & Standing Rules

The Policies, Procedures and Standing Rules are an official publication of the Afghan Hound Club of America, Inc. and may not be copied for distribution.


The Constitution and By-Laws of the Afghan Hound Club of America, Inc. govern the business of the club. Amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws may be enacted following the requirements outlined in Article VII of that document. This process involves mail balloting to all members in good standing and approval of these changes by the American Kennel Club. In the event of any conflict between the policies, procedures and standing rules, and the AHCA Constitution and By-Laws, the latter will prevail. The Constitution and By-Laws appearing in this document are shown in italics.

Policies, procedures and standing rules provide the details and precedents for the conduct of AHCA business. Unlike constitutional and by-law changes that may only be changed by a mail vote of the entire General Membership, policies, procedures and standing rules may be changed simply by action in any meeting of the General Membership or the Board of Directors.

The Board of Directors, may not change policies, procedures and standing rules enacted by the General Membership. On the other hand, either the Board of Directors or the General Membership may change policies, procedures and standing rules enacted by the Board of Directors.

The AHCA Board of Directors from July 2002 to October 2002 reviewed this document in its entirety. Obsolete references were deleted and policies were updated where appropriate. Information in parentheses at the end of a policy, procedure or standing rule indicates when a rule was originally enacted. The initials "GM" followed by the date will designate policies, procedures and standing rules passed by the General Membership. Beginning numbers found in parentheses indicate this policy, procedure or standing rule is cross-referenced.

The policies, procedures and standing rules are updated following each Board of Directors meeting and the General Membership meeting.

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